
Early Intervention 

The first six years of a child's life are said to be an incredible period of growth. What happens throughout those years sticks with a child for the rest of his or her life. That's why it's crucial to keep an eye out for indicators of developmental delays and get treatment if you suspect a problem. The earlier a delayed child receives early intervention, the better their chances of making progress.

We offer:

Early Child Education

Early Child Education introduces young children (3 - 7 years) to the structured world of learning through a Multi Sensory approach. Play Way and project methods are widely used to enhance early skills in psycho-social development, cognition, speech and language, fine motor, vision and self help skills. It also prepares children for a future in academics, functional literacy and inclusion into mainstream schools. 

The focus of the programme is the involvement of the parents and other family members in the planning and training of children's early learning needs with the special education team. 

The Joyful Learning Centre offers - 

Special Education

The Centre for Special Education (CSE) is a Day Centre (9.30am – 3.30pm) for age groups varying from 8 to 20 years. 

Educational services at SSK aim at developing the unique abilities of children in a caring and stimulating environment. Children learn the core values of self esteem, respect for others, kindness and understanding their own special gifts and talents. Educational goals for children include independence and self reliance through life skill education models of learning.

We offer - 

Other school services include -

Inclusive Education

Learners' Centre offers an inclusive education programme for children with special needs, for children who are unable to cope with the mainstream curriculum and for the economically disadvantaged. The academic programme is planned after assessing the student’s functioning level and abilities with instruction provided keeping in mind the learning pace of the children and their wholistic development.

The unit is an Accredited Centre for National Institute of Open Schooling, Govt. of India. 

We offer - 

Other school services include -

Rainbow Centre for Autism

Established in 2005 exclusively to serve children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families.

Services offered: 

Academic programs: Intervention based on Individualized Education Plan (IEP); 
