Jijo Das
Jijo Das - A superhero in the making!
A warm-hearted soul who finds his world in movies and comic books, Jijo is a passionate illustrator. Ever since he learned how to hold a pencil/chalk he started doing what he loves - drawing.
Jijo is like a superhero, (someone with an extra set of biological enhancements - 47 chromosomes due to Down’s Syndrome) who does something exceptionally well! Jijo's elder brother, Aniket, who is a motorsport graphics & motorcycle designer from the National Institute of Design realized how serious Jijo was about art and chalked out a curriculum that would help Jijo understand this subject based on his abilities.
After two years of rigorous training and assignments, his abilities surprised everyone! Jijo now dreams of being like other graphic designers and wants to work for Disney! He even works on his brother's motorsport graphics projects and brings something fresh and new to the table, every time. Jijo’s family plans to make the most of his abilities, so that he earns a living by doing what he loves, throughout his life.
Jijo and Aniket live independently in their studio apartment. Beyond illustrating, Jijo is a great human being who loves to make everyone happy, grooves to rock and roll with his drums, loves playing Burnout Paradise, enjoys typography, is crazy about dinosaurs, considers Optimus Prime as his best friend and spends a lot of time on YouTube looking at how his favorite animated films were made! He is known as ‘My Optimus’ on Instagram and has a growing fan base.
Here is the link to his website -